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How to maintain the fiber laser cutter in summer?


Considering the high temperature in summer, we suggest you to adjust the temperature of water cooling machine before operating the equipment, so as to avoid the condensation of moisture.

To prolong the service life of the equipment, you should check some parts of water cooling machine following the steps:

1. Check the condenser of the water cooling machine to guarantee an unobstructed wind channel.

2. Clear the dust screen by high-pressure air and water. ( The dust would be blown by the compressed air, and then you could clear the dust screen by flow water. It could be installed again after drying naturally. ) All the step should be finished under a well ventilated environment and interruption of power supply.


3. Clean up the water box is a necessary step to reduce the microbe of water, and then water injection should be done every 15-20 days.

4. It is critical to check the water circuit and water pump whether keep a normal condition.

5. 26 or 28℃ is a suitable temperature of water cooling machine, which should be checked before operating the machine in summer.